Marker Plot

A Some Charts documentation

See the code below for a simple example of Marker Plot visualization. Full code of this demo is available on the

To have a better understanding how it works, have a look at the entire code of the demo with an explanation of all the objects and attributes after it.

import {Component, OnInit} from '@angular/core';
import {Chart, DataSet, MarkerPlotOptions, PlotKind, Skin} from "some-charts";
import * as Color from "color";
import {XY} from "./model/x-y";

  selector: 'marker-sin-demo',
  templateUrl: './marker-sin-demo.component.html'
export class MarkerSinDemoComponent implements OnInit {

  ngOnInit(): void {

    let amplitude = 40;
    let frequency = 10;
    let height = 200;

    function generateSinData(origin: number, count: number): XY[]{
      return [...Array(count).keys()].map((val, idx) => {
        let x = (idx + origin);
        let y = height / 2 + amplitude * Math.sin(x / frequency);
        return {x: x, y: y}

    let origin = 0;
    let count = 300;

    let data = generateSinData(0, count);

    origin = count;

    let dataSet = new DataSet<XY, number>(
        y: {
          func: item => {
            return item.y
      item => {
        return item.x

    let requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame;

    let prevTime = 0;

    let updateChartData = function(time: number){

      let timePassed = time - prevTime;

      if(timePassed > 1000 / 60) {

        data.push(generateSinData(origin, 1)[0]);

        prevTime = time;



    let chart = new Chart<XY, number>(
        navigation: {
          isFitToViewModeEnabled: true
        header: {
          text: "Sin Plot"
        plots: [
            kind: PlotKind.Marker,
            metric: {
              id: "y",
              caption: "Y",
              color: new Color("#ff392e")
            markerSize: 5
          } as MarkerPlotOptions

Please take a look into the Angular ngOnInit method, where we create and initialize all the stuff:

  • dataSet defines initial state of a single-dimensional DataSet with a dimension x and a metric y defined on that dimension;
  • elements an array which specifies initial DataSet data.
  • metrics a dictionary of metrics by their id’s. Each metric is defined by:
    • func a function which extracts metric value from DataSet data.
    • isArray a boolean property indicating whether metric value is an array of values or not. For this demo it has true value.
    • dimensionXFunc a function to extract first dimension value out of an array of elements,
    • dimensionYFunc a function to extract second dimension value out of an array of elements. Only relevant for 2D Data Sets so in this example it’s undefined.
    • dimensionsSorting a sorting function being applied to both dimensions values to place them in order. For this demo, we have string x dimension, so we don’t want our dimensions to be sorted. Therefore, we use Sorting.None value here.
  • function updateChartData performs a data update operation once every second.

let chart = new Chart<XY, string>(...); calls Chart constructor to create new Chart for given data, options and attributes:

  • elementSelector: string "#chart-element"
  • dataSet :DataSet<TItemType, XDimensionType, YDimensionType>, contains data for this chart;
  • options: ChartOptions object which specifies how to render this chart in a declarative way (see Chart options).

ChartOptions for this demo is initialized with the following set of attributes:

  • navigation object with the following attributes:
    • isFitToViewModeEnabled which specifies that all the chart data must be fitted vertically and horizontally within the chart viewport
  • header attribute defines text displayed on top of the chart;
  • plots - an array of plots to display on this chart. For this demo, we render a Marker plot. So we need to create a new MarkerPlotOptions object, which specifies options for the Marker plot.

Object MarkerPlotOptions has three properties:

kind - defines kind of a plot to draw (in this demo - PlotKind.Marker)

  • metric - a metric for the plot. For metric, the following attributes must be specified,
    • id specifies metric id in the Data Set
    • caption specifies metric caption in legend and in other places.
    • color specifies metric color, when it’s been visualized on a plot.
  • markerSize defines marker size in pixels

The axes object defines types of axes to use for a horizontal and vertical axes. In this Demo, we use Labeled horizontal ( we use AxisTypes.LabeledAxis) and numeric vertical (we use AxisTypes.NumericAxis) axes.

Playground iframe for this demo is shown on the right pane

<iframe src=""
     style="width:100%; height:500px; border:0; border-radius: 4px; overflow:hidden;"
     title="Some Charts Marker Sin Demo"
     allow="accelerometer; ambient-light-sensor; camera; encrypted-media; geolocation; gyroscope; hid; microphone; midi; payment; usb; vr; xr-spatial-tracking"
     sandbox="allow-forms allow-modals allow-popups allow-presentation allow-same-origin allow-scripts"